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District 61, Sylvie Limoges, ATM-S, #8 in the World
Perseverence! Make sure you follow up and work with the people who want to start the club. My District Governor Chris Ford made a real difference. He got me to persevere. It's the leadership of the DG.

District 23, Ralph Wallace, DTM, #9 in the World
Work on the principle of large numbers. Get as many possibilities (for new clubs) going as you can, as even those that sounded so promising at first turn to zeros.
Strike when the iron is hot. It's a thin window to get the club going, move on it as fast as you can. Put forth as many of your past District Officers and current District Officers as you can who can put the most professional face forward. Toastmasters needs to be an educational outlet for those who are already in the Top Management and (fear of public speaking) is holding them back. There's a great deal of opportunity (in theTop Management market) but we haven't cracked it. LGET Cathe Graves, ATM adds that when we do demo meetings, where we fall short is collecting checks at the end of the demo.

District 73, Kevin Siu, CTM, #10 in the World
Be friendly, be approachable, don't hard sell. Know when to and when not to.
Send a letter, call, or visit the company. For corporate clubs, talk to the CEO first and get their permission to talk to staff (middle managers). Tell them the benefits for the company, not just for the staff. For community clubs, always stress the importance to the individual. Self confidence is so important, talk to their needs. Always address their needs, not your needs. Use HQ materials or tailor them.

District 37, Larry Brown, DTM, #11 in the World
Teamwork! We didn't have all the answers, but we had teamwork!
You can't be a loner. You have to be a leader. It's tough to lead volunteers versus employees. It takes a different skills set. It's attention to detail. Get started early to get semis paid. We knew based on history which Clubs would be late. We communicated often on semis. We identified 2 clubs that were reinstated.

The marketing committee got Dan Rex's lead letters. We qualified those leads.
You don't want to waste your resources on a marginal lead. Follow up on every lead, but identify them early on and abandon those that won't become clubs. We evaluated the leads and the probability they would become clubs. We had a net growth of 11 and lost 1 club. We stopped the bleeding and grew. It's teamwork of the Area Governors, Division Governors, Past District Governors, and key Toastmasters. A little luck was involved. The Top 3 was close. We agreed to disagree. Disagree with kindness in your heart and come out with one accord.

District 12, Richard Snyder, DTM, #12 in the World
District 12 has a marketing tradition. Every member that sponsored 2 new members got an apple applique and a letter of congratulations and were part of our "Sponsor Tree." Apples were on the tree and we displayed the tree at contests, training, and all Toastmasters events. Little baskets under the tree represented new clubs. We got calls, email from members who wanted their apples. Our International Director Greg Scott, DTM says, "Recognition = Motivation." It's teamwork and working together as a Top 3.
Have fun. Have passion about the program.

Distinguished Districts 1998-99

District 1, Elise Dee Beraru, DTM, #13 in the World
We only lost 1 club last year and saved 4 or 5. We chartered 7. Our DG suggested getting a list of members that dropped. We sent postcards to the drops in early November and late April (4-6 weeks after dues were due). You can control the postcards. We got approximately 1/10 back (members that forgot to pay or were accidently taken off the membership list.) I got a strong, self directing Club Extension Chair that scheduled demos and followed up on leads. We pushed semis on time. Every Wednesday I emailed the latest info to Area and Division Governors on who's out. Have a really good PRO.

We had a Presidential Visit from President Keck in the fall. Our PRO contacted 28 individual cities and 25 out of 28 declared it Toastmasters month. This news was televised during their City Council meetings. We had 22 proclamations, 3-4 letters of recommendation, and press releases by the score. This year there's an explosion of clubs in Churches. We also have an Advanced Gourmet Club that meets monthly at a different restaurant. Keep the web site up to date. The word is getting out and the web site came into it's own.

District 21, Judy Laythorpe, DTM, #15 in the World
Marketing is everybody's responsibility, not just the LGM. You have to believe in the program. It's enthusiasm. Sell every single Toastmaster! The last letters of enthusiasm stand for "I Am Sold Myself." So often we're down. Act as if nothing is wrong. Put on that face. If you start to believe it, everybody will believe it. Geographically, you can be 1500 miles from the rest of the District. You have to be a team.

District 39, Ruth Mahoney, DTM, #16 in the World
Time is of the essence! I called leads within 24 hours and made appointments to see them.

Marketing Excellence Compiled by Pam Keyzer, DTM

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